Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Global Warming And Environmental Issues - 988 Words

Global warming and environmental issues such as contaminated water, the loss of habitats, etc. are topics that have raise the attention of many people (associations or campaigns) who are constantly trying to discover new ways to reduce global warming. This problem has many outcomes such as ice melting in Antarctica, the dramatic climate changes, among others; The list goes on and on of negative environmental issues that are happening and that are rapidly increasing each day. That is why these associations try to find ways to create awareness in people about the situation. Exploring about the different solutions that can help reduce or slow down the effect of global warming is a good way to answers questions like, â€Å"does recycling plastic materials help reduce global warming?† or, â€Å"How many people would have to cooperate to make a significant change to slow down the increment of global warming?† There is a high chance that many people do not know the damage that plastic materials cause in the environment, for this reason many people use large amounts of plastic materials (such as, water bottles) and they do not know the correct way to dispose of. However, does recycling plastic materials helps the environment? To what extend? In the article Accumulation and fragmentation of plastic debris in global environments, Barnes, Galgani, Thomson, and Barlaz explore this issue by claiming, â€Å"In the last half-century, there have been many drastic changes on the surface of the planet,Show MoreRelatedEnvironmental Issues Of Global Warming1436 Words   |  6 Pagesplanets in the universe that holds enough oxygen and water to support life. Unfortunately, the planet is suffering due to endless amounts of environmental problems which will result in major consequences for daily life. Today; global warming, deforestation and environmental degradation are the biggest issues this planet continues to fight against. Environmental issues result from discussions over the use of resources and pose challenges that are as diverse as Earth’s ecosystems. 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